i-Doc Medici2021-03-03T17:36:19+01:00

Project Description


There are 14 Medici Villas that have entered the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, but their value, the history, the events, the people who built them, lived in them, visited them, aren’t tell in a modern way.

“L’invenzione dello spazio – Ville e Giardini Medicei in Toscana”: an interactive documentary on the great heritage of the Medici Villas

Goal of the Workshop was the production of an interactive documentary that would have told the uniqueness of the 14 Villas and Gardens of the Medici family included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Workhop has been directed by Roberto Malfagia, founder of the Visual Storytelling School of Florence La Jetée. The participants have been the protagonists of the first production step of the interactive documentary, becoming assistants in filming and editing the photo-realistic materials and being able to experience the opportunities offered by a contemporary technological and informative structure, with a point of view that can be navigated from the user. In the interactive documentary, called L’invenzione dello spazio – Ville e Giardini Medicei in Toscana, in a digital space created through volumetric filming, 3D scanning, modeling and parameterization by computer code, 5 experts from different disciplinary areas – Luigi Zangheri, Architecture; Paolo Grossoni, Botanic; Giampiero Nigro, Economy; Franco Farinelli, Geography; the Oscar winner Gabriella Pescucci, Costume – tell about the Villas and the Medici Gardens.

The interactive documentary was selected by the Festival dei Popoli 2018, in which it was presented in the Doc Explorer section.

The intercative documentary is available HERE (in italian)

View the gallery of the Workshop:

Duration: 43 days
Calendar: May 2, 2018 – June 29, 2018
Regisrations: by call
Manifatture Digitali Cinema Pisa (Nicola Pisano, 15, Street – Pisa, Italy)
Costs: free

Workhop Info