The Didactic and Artistic Direction of the Showrunner Lab. has decided to extend the time window for enrollment in the Course. The goal is to allow as many interested people as possible to apply. The deadline for the call, scheduled for Friday 25 February 2022, has therefore been postponed to Wednesday 9 March 2022.
The Showrunner Lab. is an innovative project, unique in Italy. It is aimed at girls and boys, aged between 18 and 30, who love TV series, writing, organization and want to get involved and make their passions a job. Still little recognized in Italy, the role of the Showrunner is, in the English and US audiovisual systems (but also in other parts of the world), decisive in the creation and production of TV series. The Showrunner Lab. was born to prepare for the Showrunner profession. It will do this through lessons and exercises, with exclusive workshops by Italian and international authors and producers, creators of highly successful TV series such as The Walking Dead, Lucifer, Criminal, Romanzo Criminale, Suburra, Prison Break, Jack Ryan, to name a few.
The Showrunner Lab. is held from 1 April to 19 June 2022 (Thursday to Sunday) in the beautiful spaces of Manifatture Digitali Cinema Prato, an infrastructure at the service of the audiovisual sector active since the end of 2017, already home to important productions that here have established themselves to prepare and manage their films, and a place where they promote workshops that are distinguished by their ability to combine training with practice, theory with practical exercise, always guaranteeing participants close contact with professionals of great fame and skill.
For those who register and participate in the Showrunner Lab. The following opportunities and bonuses are provided:
- 50% discount on the registration fee for 3 people residing in Tuscany, thanks to Tuscany Film Commission;
- 50% discount on the registration fee for 3 people residing in Veneto, thanks to the Veneto Film Commission;
- 50% discount on the registration fee for one person, thanks to Panorama Films;
- Scholarship of € 1,000.00 for the 2022 Annual Production Course of the Griffith Academy of Cinema and Television in Rome;
- Direct access and free pre-registration to the 2022 annual courses of the Griffith Academy in Rome;
- Internships and traineeships at national and international companies in the audiovisual sector (including, Panorama Films S.r.l.).
If you want more information and get to know the profiles of the teachers and major international guests who will hold a workshop at the Showrunner Lab., go to the Course page (you can also register from there):
If you want to apply, you can also do it from here, by filling in attachments A and B (in Italian) below and sending them together with a copy of your identity card and tax code, your CV, a motivational letter and the certificate of your qualification (or self-certification attesting the qualification), valid residence permit (if non-EU citizens) to, with the subject “SHOWRUNNER LAB CANDIDATURE”.
Below you will find the Study Plan (in Italian) of the Showrunner Lab.
Showrunner Lab. is organized by Fondazione Sistema Toscana, Tuscany Film Commission, Manifatture Digitali Cinema, in collaboration with Good Girls Planet & ITTV Forum & Festival of Los Angeles and PIN – University Center of Prato, with the contribution of the “Call for special projects for cinema and audiovisual” of the DGCA of the MIC (Italian Ministry of Culture).